For us seasoned adults, the idea of taking the bus somewhere is pretty simple. Most of us have done it so many times by the time we’re older, we forget just how nerve-wracking that first bus trip can be. For your kids, that first ride is probably going to be on a school bus. If your child is starting a new school, going to school for the first time, or coming up on the first year you won’t be able to drive them every day, the idea of taking the bus may be scary. Fortunately, there are some simple steps… Read more »
For adults, it’s easy to forget that getting used to riding a bus doesn’t come overnight. We’ve likely done it countless times by our adult age, but when you’re a child, your first time can be overwhelming. It’s a totally new experience, and it’ll likely come with a school bus. There are simple steps you can take to make your children more comfortable riding the school bus. Do a Demo In the days leading up to the first school bus ride, it could help to act out a fake bus ride with your child so they can see what the… Read more »