As commuters and travelers, we rely on public transportation to provide us with sustainable and convenient travel options. One important aspect of public transportation is the comfort and amenities it can offer its passengers. By prioritizing passenger comfort and convenience, public transportation providers can attract more riders and ensure a positive and enjoyable experience that encourages people to rely on public transportation as their primary means of getting around. Here are a few helpful tips to enhance the comfort and amenities on public transport! Ensure Adequate Space and Comfortable Seating One of the fundamental factors in enhancing passenger comfort is… Read more »
Public transportation offers citizens and their communities many benefits as its affordable, convenient, and better for the environment. It’s a great way to get to and from where you need to go, but as with any travel, going out at night means taking extra precautions to stay safe. Here are some essential safety tips to ensure a successful, stress-free nighttime public transport experience! Share Your Location No matter where you go or what you do, you should always share your location with at least one person. Whether that be a parent, friend, or a close family member, either update them on… Read more »
There are a lot of advantages to opting for public transit over personal automobile use. It’s a great way to save money, get to know a city, meet new people, and help the environment! There are, however, some common misconceptions about the ecological impact of buses, trains, and other public vehicles, like that they use more energy or cause more pollution than cars do. Fortunately, we’re here to clear those up and help you feel good about contributing to the Earth’s health by using public transit! Mass Transit Vehicles Are More Fuel-Efficient It might seem like because buses, metros, and… Read more »
With summer in full swing, the hot weather can start to put a damper on your commute. Whether you live in a big city or not, many people rely on public transportation to get them to and from their daily activities. The hot summer weather can make waiting at a bus stop or train station miserable. Here are a few tips to help you stay cool on public transportation this summer! Stay Hydrated Standing outside in the blazing sun for long periods can lead to dehydration. Always carry a water bottle with you for instant and immediate hydration. Don’t wait… Read more »
Public transit buses, trains, subways, and trolleys are all great options for getting around a city. Taking public transportation saves you money, reduces traffic and pollution, and leaves you with more unoccupied time to unwind or be productive. In general, public transit systems are perfectly safe for anyone to use. There can be some seedy activity and potential hazards though if you’re not properly prepared for your commute. Follow these tips for public transportation users to ensure your ride is safe and enjoyable! Plan your route ahead of time. Before you head out to catch your bus, look up and… Read more »
Taking the bus to work, school, and other locations you frequent is a great way to save money, help the environment, and, often in big cities, get around faster. But for those who commute on the bus daily or several times a week, the experience can become mundane and annoying. Especially if you’re traveling for 30 minutes or more both ways (the average working commute), you’re going to need some supplies to get you through your journey. We’re not talking about the obvious ones you already know though, such as your phone, wallet, or bus ticket. We’re talking about things… Read more »
Despite the many advantages public transportation has to offer its riders, it doesn’t exactly have the cleanest reputation. It is, after all, difficult to keep up with cleaning and sanitizing over the course of a typical day when hundreds to thousands of passengers (and their germs) are getting on and off every few minutes. In dealing with the current coronavirus pandemic, however, the public transportation industry and companies all throughout the country have stepped up with frequent and thorough cleaning and disinfecting measures. If you do need to use public transit as the pandemic continues, there are also a few… Read more »
Professionals working in the public transportation industry are constantly trying to think of new ideas and develop innovations to make mass transit more efficient. This is true not only in modern times, but throughout history as well. The hard work of these individuals has, after all, brought us all the way from the omnibus to the high-speed trains and electric buses we see today. As focus intensified in these efforts on producing mass transit vehicles with higher capacities, the world saw the birth of two new major types of buses: the articulated bus and the double decker bus. What is… Read more »
Public transportation has long been one of the most efficient, convenient, and cost-effective solutions for getting people where they need to go. Since its inception several centuries ago, it has seen a lot of change, thanks to evolving communities and new technologies. Although early systems may have been a far cry from the ones we know today, their role in society has always been vital. Let’s take an interesting look back at the origins of public transit to better understand just how far the industry has come! 18th-19th Century Public Transportation: Early Beginnings The concept of mass transit began in… Read more »